
What have you been working on?

I am struggling to do things again. This incident with the theft from the garden has knocked me back. I’m jumpy and sent hubby out into the garden tonight to see if there was anyone about because I heard noises. It was only the neighbours thankfully.

I want to be doing art, drawing, experimenting, painting. But life keeps bashing me. I’m not happy to think I will never do things again. I think I can work my way through things, I’m just not sure.

Meanwhile I’m sitting watching TV, or listening to the radio. Hopes are low, but I still have them. So busy doing nothing as the song goes, but hopefully not for long.

35 thoughts on “Nothing

  1. Sorry to read about the garden theft. Any episode like that is a violation of the individual victim.
    But rest assured that a lot or the majority of these criminals are total wimps. Do your best to protect your property with possibly CCTV to provide reassurance.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Just have been harassed and physically threatened by a scumbag. The scrawny mental kicked my dog, my husband and when I screamed, the freak turned to me and kicked my belly!! I wasn’t in a fighting mode so I was shellshocked. Then the mental beast ran off! If I see even a glimpse of this freak, he is scrawny enough, I’m ready to attack him. Where is this world going? Stop the world I want to GET OFF.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. it really doesn’t matter if you do great art. It doesn’t matter to anyone as much as it matters to you. Success sometimes is just doing it. That’s what it was for me last fall when acute covid had gone its way but something was left behind. So difficult to think or imagine. I picked up a pallette knife and got out the acrylics I’d inherited and went for it. The painting was not “me” but it was OK. I just kept going. I saw that I’d been through something and was still in something and all the paintings I’ve done since then have been different from before. I’m different. In some ways better and more rational (????). The Rawlins Red experiment was good for me — I might not have tried it before Covid when I was that other person. OK, I’m still me, but changed. I don’t think you can live through the stuff you’ve gone through over the past few months and be the Chris from before, but I bet the Chris from now has something beautiful to do. Just get a piece of paper and some acrylic, put the phone away, turn off the tube, and be alone with it. I think you’ll be surprised and then very happy. I believe that. ❤️

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      1. You don’t need courage. There’s no danger. Just pick something you’ve never done before and don’t expect to succeed at. Seriously. There’s no way to fail. Anyway, that’s what I learned. I just said, “Fuck it.” ❤️

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Full Empty but there is lots of rest plenty of space grace to faith pleasure turned stagnate serious divine interventions array many a face fill the eye space listen now the ear space open up mind space ouch! Heart space filling up bitterness battle for the love space inside spirit screaming no more room in here full now empty!

    Liked by 7 people

  5. Pingback: Nothing - Home
  6. I’m new to your site but I was caught by the question. So, in answer, I’m working on art through all the bashing that life has done to me in the past couple of years (breast cancer). I went through the doing nothing stage – I mean I GO through the doing nothing stage periodically, but I started studying art in school to keep me having to just do it.

    I hope you’re able to work through it and get back to doing all the art that you love. And I’m so sorry you were violated.

    Best wishes to you.

    Liked by 1 person

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