
He’s still an outdoor cat really. He comes in and snoozes for an hour, but then he goes back out again, on patrol, dozing by the shed, or under the neighbours car. His abscess has gone down now and his eye had opened up again, but he gets into scrapes with other local cats (not our other two). He will always be an outdoor cat really, especially in the summer. He finds places to sleep but they change depending on his mood, on the stairs sometimes, or on our sofa, under the hedge, in the summer house. I love him but wish he was a bit more settled.

6 thoughts on “Asleep

  1. I love how this post captures the essence of being an outdoor cat. I can relate to it as I used to have an outdoor cat as well. The way you described how the cat’s mood affects where it sleeps is amazing. The way you can tell it loves you and yet still needs to patrol and explore is so sweet! I’m glad the abscess and eye have healed. Thank you for sharing your story!

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