I honestly don’t know

What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world?

The world’s a mixed up place. There’s too much fake information out there. How can my small blog cut through it all?

I had a silly idea that I could write and prevent the War in Ukraine escalating. I even wrote to the Russian embassy in London to think about what Putin was doing and going to do.

I have written about global warming and famines. But I’m one person. Clearly if everyone agreed, then we as humanity could change things. But who’s going to listen? I don’t have a large reach here or anywhere else. I’m no influencer.

It’s nice to feel I might make a difference. But it’s like winning the lottery, a 14 million to 1 chance that someone might care. That’s all I can say.

How would you like your blog to influence people? When will individuals work together, team up, care enough to change things?

Obviously there are people out there in groups and teams who try. I hope you give them half a chance. The world needs changing but it might be too late!