My bed

What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily?

We bought our bed when my grandma died using a small bequest from her. That was a year after we moved into this house, and that was BEFORE we got married, so it’s over 25 years old.

It’s saggy, I have a folded up sheet on the bit where a spring is sticking out, and the divan drawers collapsed years ago. It’s a big bed and I don’t think it will ever go back down the stairs as we have had to have an extra handrail put on them as we have got older.

Half the time the fitted sheets don’t fit (it’s hard to find king size sheets round here). Tracey Emin would love our bed. It’s surrounded by books and book cases. The bedroom is too small, but we sleep in it because it’s away from the main road at the front of the house which is too noisy in the morning (we live opposite a noisy factory).

Most nights are uncomfortable, the bed is supported by an old A2 drawing board under part of it and the base is collapsing from old age. We can’t afford a new one. I think we should save money specially to buy one, but then we need new carpets and my curtains are being eaten by moths. But that’s life, we have clothes and food. You just have to manage. I have a lot of older things, but not in regular use.

My hubby, by the way, regularly rides an eighty year old tourer road bike. X

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