The vote

What’s the one luxury you can’t live without?

It’s only about a century since women were given the vote in the UK. You might query why I would choose it, but it’s so important. How can I, as a woman, have any influence on the people that rule us? By voting.

A million votes can sway big corporations to bring in holidays for their workers. Votes can decide the outcome of an environmental protest. Votes are not just used to choose politicians, but to decide on whether someone should get an important job, or if affordable housing is built or not.

Votes are democracy in action. Instead of top down politics it can change how people live from the ground up. It can support fair shares of food, water, housing, health support and other important decisions

Voting is not a perfect solution, but it has to be better than living under a dictatorship. It can reduce the oppression of men women and children. It is a luxury I would not be without and I vote at every election.

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